Friday, May 28, 2010

More new stuff

Getting a little bored with these little ones, working on a good size piece, so look out for that. As for this one...

5x7 marker and watercolor on paper

and Another One...

Little irony, just having some fun. I love painting stuff like this, random objects in a tattoo style, fun way to do the sort of pieces most people would rather not wear permenantly.

5x7 watercolor and marker on paper

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So here she is, all finished and framed up nicey nice. 9x7, marker and watercolor on paper

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In progress

So as I mentioned before I'm always interested in the processes of other artists and so planned on showing some of my own here. Nothing crazy or new here, but this is the ink stage of my next watercolor piece. I use a variety of pens/markers, Staedtler, Micron, Sharpie, etc...and right now just a standard cold press watercolor paper, medium tooth, acid free. I also use hot press illustration board for some water color projects. Finish product should be up soon, framed and all. Stay tuned, enjoy.

Brass Knucks

Here's another new one. 5x7 marker and watercolor on paper.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Allrighty, so here are couple of new pieces, actually did these a couple months ago. Both are marker and watercolor on illustration board. The one on the bottom is 13x5. The one on the top is 12x7. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And another one...

Here's the other, same deal, 14x12, marker and watercolor on wood

First things first...

So here is the first of a couple of projects I'm currently messing with. My future father-in-law cut down this tree in his yard and generously cut and sanded a few pieces for me. I believe it's Ash. The paint is watercolor, which was def tricky to work with on raw wood, but the imperfections, especially in the wings, ended up pretty interesting actually. Just stained this one, and another, I still have to photograph, then they need some poly and they're done. Will post the other soon. Both are about 14x12, marker and watercolor on wood


Allrighty, so I created this blog to showcase some of my artwork outside of my primary medium, which is tattooing. As an artist I enjoy exploring the methods and processes of fellow artists so I figured I'd contribute my own to those similarly inclined. Most of the art I intend to display will also be for sale, if not already sold, so self-promotion is another pupose of this blog, albeit secondary. My e-mail is attached so feel free to contact me there for any and all inquiries. Along the way I suspect I'll share some thoughts and ideas as well, and I invite any viewers to do the same; criticism, comments, thoughts, likes, dislikes, and non-sequiturs are welcome and encouraged. Thank you for viewing/reading, I hope you enjoy, J.